And now... a little story.
In Fayette County, near the town of Putnam, there is a section of rural farmland bordered by four county roads that has been called the "Putnam Parallelogram". This area occupies a disturbing and almost unbelievable place in Iowa's catalog of unexplained mysteries. More than eighty farm vehicles, cars, trucks, and small airplanes have literally vanished into thin air since 1945. More than 700 lives have been lost over the last twenty-six years alone, without a single body or even a piece of wreckage having been found. Disappearances continue to occur with apparently increasing frequency despite the fact that today's roadways are more traveled, searches are more thorough, and records are more carefully kept.
Strange sights have long been reported in the area. Motorists and farmers recount many instances of freakish weather when the sky would turn a hazy yellow, lightning flashed on clear days, and disturbances broke up radio communication. Many varied and imaginative explanations have arisen, including fireballs, crop monsters, time-space warping, and even abductions by UFOs. No evidence of any kind has surfaced to lend credibility to any theory.
The parallelogram got its name as the result of the disappearance in a single day of six combines doing routine annual harvesting. On October 5th, 1945, the combines and their operators vanished simultaneously, leaving only their tracks in the cornfield but no other trace. Locals began calling the collection of fields "The Devil's Parallelogram", "The Parallelogram of Death", "The Hoodoo Parallelogram", and various other appellations. The editor of The Putnam Post wrote that "The missing farmers may still be here, but in a different dimension of a magnetic phenomenon set up by a UFO." Then County Sheriff, Stephen Barnes said simply, "We don't know what the hell is going on out in those fields. This is totally without precedent and a total mystery, the strangest in agricultural history."
Since the first disappearances, there have been many others folowed by short-lived investigations. The most notable of these researchers was Dr. K.M. Schaefer. Schaefer was convinced that a covert cover-up was smothering details concerning the Parallelogram, much in the manner of the Bermuda Triangle disappearances. His last book before his death dealt with Indian Shamanism and the "taking of the enlightened into the sky." He was also preoccupied with the notion that controlled magnetism could produce invisibility-an outgrowth of Einstein Unified Field Theory. Schaefer considered these elements key to both the UFO activity in the state involving sudden appearances and disappearances of the crafts, as well as the vanishing farm machinery. He was summoned to Des Moines to brief the Governor on his theories in the summer of 1963, but was found dead in his station wagon in Fayette County Park. The exhaust pipe had been connected by a hose to the interior of the car. There are those who do not believe the death of this great scientist was self-inflicted, but rather a warning to those who would probe too deeply into this field.
Here a transcript of a radio interview with Dr. Schaefer broadcast locally in Putnam one week before his invitation to the State Capital:
Q: How long have you been involved in observing the Putnam Parallelogram?
A: For more than 18 years. Ever since the first combines went missing. You hear talk about this kind of thing at parties, but you can't lose sight of the fact that there were people in those machines, people that have never been found. I can't give up looking for a way to bring them back to their families.
Q: has there been a notable increase in the number of UFO sightings in the area?
A: No, but that answer might be misleading. I believe the craft are able to "cloak" themselves from human sight and even block radar detection. Further, to say that there is not an increase is not to say there are no sightings at all. The area was already famous for its UFO activity. There have been many sightings of aircraft we know are not really airplanes. Police Captain Dan Delmonico just this last April, a calm and well respected member of the law enforcement community, made two almost identical sightings while on duty. His radio calls are a matter of public record. Both times he reported a "fat cigar with rounded ends" rushed past his patrol car, and estimated the size of the craft to be about 150 to 299 feet long. He chased them and clocked their speed at at least 70 miles per hour. I myself have seen a similar craft land in a corn field and from the object, a team of small humanoid figures wearing blue uniforms emerged to take samples of the flora and fauna of the field. Two years ago, a bus full of school children and the driver saw a flight of about a dozen UFOs streak across the Iowa sky.
Q: Do you think that UFOs are behind the missing farm vehicles?
A: Without question. And the Government knows about it too. You know, it is no coincidence that these things, the Parallelogram, the Triangle, and UFO sightings all seem to begin in the year 1945.
Q: What do you mean?
A: Truman, Eisenhower. The bomb. The end of World War II. We made a deal with them.
Q: Them?
A: The aliens. They were helping the Nazis, but we cut them a better deal than Hitler was willing to offer. We signed a treaty exchanging the right for them to collect samples of our people and technology for the secret to the atomic bomb and other alien devices. After the war, everyone who had been connected to the exchanges came together. It didn't matter about flags, by then. What mattered was getting ready to bite the hand that had fed us.
Q: I'm still not sure I know what you mean.
A: Why do you think Germany and Japan are our allies now? Because we beat them? Those people are not the kind to simply roll over and say "you got me." They know we face a common enemy now and all the greatest minds are working feverishly on that problem. You wait and see, we'll be doing some pretty amazing things with advanced alien technology. The space race? It has nothing to do with beating the Russians, and everything to do with trying to get our act together so we can get out of that contract. I predict that every major advance in the military is going to come from NASA from now on. We'll have lasers and invisible airplanes and computers you can fit on your watch in the next thirty years.
Q: That's a pretty tall order, Dr. Schaefer.
A: Goebbles proved that people will always prefer to believe the lie when confronted with an uncomfortable truth.
Q: Do you have a theory on how UFOs are powered
A: Several. One would be useful only in our atmosphere. I believe that somewhere out in the desert, the military are conducting experiments with a disc-shaped vehicle. This vehicle has a perimeter of cathode ray generators and can travel rapidly in any direction simply by powering the ray generators on the lead edge or side of desired motion. The ray ionizes the air in front of the craft, creating a vacuum that draws the ship in the desired course. This would explain the "clear air" turbulence experienced by fighter pilots dispatched to bring down these craft-attempts which to the best of our knowledge have been unsuccessful, by the way.
Q: What, exactly, do you believe is the connection between UFOs and the Putnam Parallelogram?
A: I believe that the power of magnetic fields can transform and transport matter from one dimension to another. That UFOs come into our dimension and then exit with human or other collected samples. There was an instance of Sgt.Mantel of the Putnam Police, who, according to police radio reports, was chasing a low flying craft which sped down the eastern leg of the Parallelogram. He got too close and I believe hit the saucer's ionization vortex and disintegrated. It is the only instance we have of a disappearance which left wreckage. Highly significant. Very little information could be gleaned, however, as nothing of the squad car was found larger than the size of a fist. All the pieces were perforated, as though little worms had eaten through the metal.
Q: Scary. But, why Putnam?
A: Why not? I have conducted some research which indicates there was a previous civilization here in Iowa, long before the time when we currently believe that men crossed the Berring Land Bridge. It could be that Putnam is the site of an ancient sacred temple or power station. Who knows? Remember that the UFOs who have been operating off Bermuda have been keeping tabs on our progress into their territory-space. Maybe these in Iowa are interested in our advancements in agriculture and the cultivation of food. We have no idea what their needs are. Perhaps they need new sources of food on their world. That's the central problem! They know everything about us, and we know nothing about them. That should scare the hell out of you. That's part of why it is so important to get some of our people back from them, so we can get more information.
Q: What can we do?
A: Well, in light of what these beings are capable of, we should be grateful for the fact that they have been mostly benevolent. It is remarkable that for the time being, this is still a democracy, and I believe we still have a few good people in state and national government that listen to those who voted them into office and carry out the will of the people. Call or write your senators and representatives here in Iowa. Call the Congress. Call the White House. Demand to have the truth be made known. Write a letter everyday saying "Enough secrets! Tell us the truth about the deal with the aliens." If enough people wanted them to, they would have to make a full disclosure and give up the idea of "plausible deniability." But people are afraid of being labeled a "kook" and don't want to have a file with the FBI. Well, wise up, people, you already have a file with the FBI. Mine indicates that I'm a patriot! I know there are reasons for the disappearances of my fellow citizens! I know there are reasons for power outages across the country that don't have anything to do with mechanical failure! Do you want your files to show you are sheep? Wise up, America! DEMAND TO KNOW THE TRUTH! YOU WERE SOLD AS A PEOPLE FOR WEAPONS TECHNOLOGY THAT WILL NEVER LIBERATE YOU FROM THE TRUE OPPRESSORS!"
The broadcast was terminated at that point. It would be easy to accept Dr. Schaefer's rants as evidence of a mind sadly unhinged, but although at first this dismissal might bring some comfort his statements have a way of creating a greater unease. After his death, many of the things he predicted have come true, including our stealth technology which many believe was developed near the site of a downed alien craft. We have suffered many unexplained power outages and black outs, one very recently which mirrors New York's Great Blackout of 1965. That power failure remains one of the biggest mysteries of modern civilization.
Are people being kidnapped and taken from Earth with the full knowledge and blessing of our own government? It is a question too important to be afraid to ask. People have a right to know. Perhaps it is time now more than ever to heed Dr. Schaefer's advice, and flood Washington, and the candidates in this election year with our demand to know the truth. Go to debates, call in to talk shows, write letters, and make phone calls. Challenge those who are in office and those who seek office to act in the best interest of those who put them there. Cast not one vote for those who would willingly take part in a global conspiracy of silence to hide the alien connection from the masses.
The above is of course all bullshit. So don't tell me how bullshit it is. It comes from a magazine a few years ago titled "Third Eye Over Iowa", which itself was just a simple fanzine created with sily topics and articles to spice up the otherwise stereotypical boring Iowa countryside. Usually when someone says Iowa, the last thing anyone thinks about is UFOs, monsters, or demons. Thus a group of guys set out to have some fun, and maybe fool a few people. Thus take the story for what it is. With Halloween approaching it is still fun to think up a good ghost or monster story, and the Putnam Parallelogram has several of those good elements. Take it, adjust the settings and plot here and there and see if there is anyone out there you can fool.
Have fun.
No Shame
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