11:11 And Higher Conciousness

Author: Pandora / Labels: ,

Have you ever looked at a clock and noticed the time of 11:11? If not, maybe you should pay more attention? And if you have... is it possible you are witnessing an event? Some people believe that when they notice the time 11:11 or another combination of 1's in a pattern, that there is a more profound reason other than chance or coincidence at play. Much of this belief falls under the same category of synchronicity that I have spoken about on other boards and places. Beliefs range across multiple interpretations and can be thoughts of luck to deeper thinking such as messages directly from divine beings. There are more than a few people who believe that reality as we know it, is nothing more than a program created by the mind, divided up into numerical codes which we use to define our very existence. Even some scientists are using numbers to define our very DNA into equations and formulas.

Our genetic memory, which is our racial memory in most cases, is the idea that despite each of us existing as our own individual entities, still carries the knowledge of our forefathers within our subconscious minds. Many believe that these genetic memories contain basic patterns and codes placed there millenia ago by certain beings, whether alien or not, that can be activated, awoken or instigated by noticing the exact same patterns and numbers. Furthermore, many believe that not only do we notice these numbers and codes and recognize them, that despite not knowing what they fully mean, we are in fact evolving just by noticing them. The reason being that despite our ignorance to the meaning, the fact that we are witnessing the codes in action and aware of them.. is proof that our minds are becoming more sensitive to the hidden realities all around us. Also, it is believed that not only do we now recognize these codes, but given time it becomes simpler to recognize more and more intricate patterns and coding, and eventually we will be able to use these hidden messages to unlock the real reality around us, and within us all.

So lets really look at this. When you see a pattern of numbers, whatever they may be.. and it triggers your mind in some way, in other words you truly notice it, your genetic memory is being activated on some level outside of your normal comprehension. Depending upon viewpoints, many believe you are traveling backward through creation itself, to a moment within, and possibly before creation. This is of course not physical travel, but spiritual travel. That despite your body staying in the same time and place, your inner mind is shooting through the past and rediscovering the mysteries of existence.. one number at a time. This is mental evolution, even if you physically remain the same. Many deep believers in the whole "we are our own Gods" ideals, feel this is proof of it. The feeling that our ancestors whom created everything we known and feel did so on an unimaginable scale, and then hide the blueprints within themselves which in turn were passed on to us as we are today. Digging deep within your own genetic memories, it is believed you can find true balance not only with yourself... but with everything around you. This in turn can lead to unusual abilities such as self healing and extra sensory awareness.

Now, most of these codes that I am speaking of appear in doubles or triples, that is to say 11, 11:11, 222, 3333 etc... but they can also come on countdowns as well 765, 321, 987654, etc.... After noticing these patterns, you mind find things suddenly strange, or even different. How so varies from case to case, but there are some who report vast changes in their lives. Some feel sudden clarity, others confusion at the subtle alterations. Most though, feel either balance, or something akin to it. Like a deep mental relief at the knowledge.. despite not knowing exactly what it was you learned. This situation is referred to as the journey by most, and one you will undertake alone. Just as anyone else who goes through it, you are in charge of your own realizations and enlightenment. You cannot join in another's journey, nor can they join in yours... and any attempts to do so, can hamper you both with anything you hope to accomplish. You may find like minded individuals undergoing this same journey, but despite being around them, you undertake your own quests separately. As you go through this journey you will again find things simpler and easier to notice and accept. Also, they will most likely happen much more frequently.

Upon seeing your digit encoded numbers, you may feel a sense of urgency or related emotions. This is natural and very normal... however it is best to just relax and take your time. Rushing can lead you to read the wrong signals, and mistake true coincidences as sure signs which can in fact again limit you your journey or even stop it altogether. The numbers usually signal changes in the patterns of your life or they may confirm something that you are experiencing whenever the numbers appear to you. Also, you may find your dreams haunted by these patterns and numbers... this is not uncommon. The number 11:11 is famous for this, as many people find themselves (myself included) waking up at this exact moment and seeing these digits staring back at you on your alarm clock.

Anyway, so what are your thoughts on this? Experiences? Ideas?

Some Links

Do You See 11:11?
Crystalinks Entry
Great Dreams

Suggested Reading

The Search for 11: 11 by George Mathieu Barnard
11 : 11: Inside the Doorway by Solara