The Aaronic Order

Author: Pandora / Labels:

A lot of smaller religions when mentioned draw puzzled looks at best from many, so dropping a little information on one of the smaller ones mainly located in Utah. And no, joining them does not get you extra wives, sorry.

The Aaronic Order, also referred to as the House of Aaron, is an organization/movement that is a branch of the Latter Day Saints. It was founded in 1942 by Maurice L. Glendenning, who himself was a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the 20's and early 30's. However, Glendenning was excommunicated by the LDS Church because of what many felt were his outlandish claims of being able to communicate with the angel Elias. A few years later he published The Book of Elias and a score of years later settled the community of Eskdale in Utah. In 1978 the Levitical Writings were published. It compiled everything from the Book of Elias as well as including scripture from New Revelations and the Disciple's Book.

The statement by the church is "to participate in and hasten the preparation of the Body of Jesus Christ for His second coming and to restore the Biblical, Levitical ministry to its prophesied fulness in Jesus Christ and to reconcile individuals, families, and fellowships to their places in the Body of Christ."

Today the Order holds a small but steady membership.

Some Links

Wikipedia Entry
Their Official Website
Experience Festival Entry
Aaronic Priesthood